Selasa, 04 Februari 2020

The Lives and Death-Throes of Massive Stars (IAU S329)

Category: Livres anglais et trangers,Science,Astronomy

The Lives and Death-Throes of Massive Stars (IAU S329) Details

Research on massive stars is undergoing a period of rapid progress, with long-held convictions being shown to be incomplete. While these stars are relatively few in number, they are the main driver of chemical and dynamical evolution in galaxies through their stellar winds and explosive deaths in core-collapse supernovae. Furthermore the impact of massive stars is widely recognized in many areas, as they are often used as tools to interpret the conditions and processes arising in different environments. In parallel, the development of new instrumentation, analysis techniques and dedicated surveys across all possible wavelengths have delivered large amounts of exquisite new data. These data are now providing a harsh test for the current state-of-the-art theoretical calculations of massive star birth, evolution and death. IAU Symposium 329 covers these topics and is therefore an invaluable resource for researchers in the field of massive stars and their evolution.




Perioperative Care of the Elderly: Clinical and Organizational Aspects

Category: Livres anglais et trangers,Medicine,Specialties

Perioperative Care of the Elderly: Clinical and Organizational Aspects Details

This innovative, comprehensive book covers the key elements of perioperative management of older patients. The book's chapter structure coincides with the clinical path patients tread during their treatment, from preoperative evaluation to post-hospital care. Epidemiological aspects and aging processes are illustrated, providing keys to understanding the quick expansion of geriatric surgery and defining the clinical profile of older surgical patients in a cybernetic perspective. Preoperative evaluation and preparation for surgery, including medication reconciliation and pre-habilitation, are developed in the light of supporting decision-making about surgery in an evidence-based and patient-focused way. Intra- and postoperative management are discussed, aiming to tailor anesthetic, surgical and nursing approaches to specific patients' needs, in order to prevent both general and age-related complications. This volume also addresses issues relevant to geriatric surgery, from different organizational models to clinical risk management and systems engineering applied to hospital organization.




The Origin and Nature of Life on Earth: The Emergence of the Fourth Geosphere

Category: Livres anglais et trangers,Science,Biological Sciences

The Origin and Nature of Life on Earth: The Emergence of the Fourth Geosphere Details

Uniting the conceptual foundations of the physical sciences and biology, this groundbreaking multidisciplinary book explores the origin of life as a planetary process. Combining geology, geochemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, evolution and statistical physics to create an inclusive picture of the living state, the authors develop the argument that the emergence of life was a necessary cascade of non-equilibrium phase transitions that opened new channels for chemical energy flow on Earth. This full colour and logically structured book introduces the main areas of significance and provides a well-ordered and accessible introduction to multiple literatures outside the confines of disciplinary specializations, as well as including an extensive bibliography to provide context and further reading. For researchers, professionals entering the field or specialists looking for a coherent overview, this text brings together diverse perspectives to form a unified picture of the origin of life and the ongoing organization of the biosphere.




Bubble and Foam Chemistry

Category: Livres anglais et trangers,Professional & Technical,Engineering

Bubble and Foam Chemistry Details

This indispensable guide will equip the reader with a thorough understanding of the field of foaming chemistry. Assuming only basic theoretical background knowledge, the book provides a straightforward introduction to the principles and properties of foams and foaming surfactants. It discusses the key ideas that underpin why foaming occurs, how it can be avoided and how different degrees of antifoaming can be achieved, and covers the latest test methods, including laboratory and industrial developed techniques. Detailing a variety of different kinds of foams, from wet detergents and food foams, to polymeric, material and metal foams, it connects theory to real-world applications and recent developments in foam research. Combining academic and industrial viewpoints, this book is the definitive stand-alone resource for researchers, students and industrialists working on foam technology, colloidal systems in the field of chemical engineering, fluid mechanics, physical chemistry, and applied physics.




The Development of Chinese Martial Arts Fiction: A History of Wuxia Literature

Category: Livres anglais et trangers,History,Asia

The Development of Chinese Martial Arts Fiction: A History of Wuxia Literature Details

Chen Pingyuan is one of the leading scholars of modern Chinese literature, known particularly for his work on wuxia, a popular and influential genre of historical martial arts fiction still celebrated around the world today. This work, presented here in English translation for the first time, is considered to be the seminal work on the evolution, aesthetics and politics of the modern Chinese wuxia novel in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, tracing the resurgence of interest in classical chivalric tales in China.


